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Year 2 of Vegetable and Flower garden

  We knew that when we bought our hours that our yard would be a multi year project. Here is a look at everything we did in the last year  Phase 1: Spring 2024  In Spring we built cages to go around our raised beds and our hydrangeas in order to prevent the deer from eating all of out plants again. We built these using chicken wire and 1X2s. It was relatively cheap and easy to make but ended up being a bit more time consuming than we thought. We attached the cages to the beds with hinges so that we could lift the cages off the beds without detaching them to plant and harvest.  We also used a tiller to till the soil in all the beds but the perennial bed. We added a few more bags of dirt and compost to top off the beds because the soil had settled over the winter.    For our flower beds they all got a good weeding and we added mulch to all of them this year.  The raised bed covers  Mulch in our front and back flower gardens  Phase 2 Summer 2024...

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