Two Years of Blogging

I cannot believe I have been blogging for two years! To celebrate here is my traditional year update on everything we've done this past year

April 2022

April was a big month for us. I worked my last official shift as a registered nurse and started orientation at 28 weeks pregnant as a nurse practitioner. We also visited the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival in Northern Washington. 

May 2022

In May my niece and brother-in-law came out and visited us. We also had our maternity pictures taken. Most of the month was spent finishing a bunch of house projects in preparation for having a baby

June 2022

In June my husband turned 35 and we took a small baby moon to Ocean Shores, WA. I was so pregnant that we couldn't do very much but we still had fun. We also put the finishing touches on our nursery and meal prepped. 

July 2022

In July we became parents to the sweetest little boy and also celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on the same day. Most of July was a blur of sleep deprivation and newborn snuggles. 

August 2022

In August we travelled into the Cascade Mountains to Leavenworth, we took our first family hike and explored the area. 

September 2022

In September my friend Miranda and her daughter came out to visit! We had so much fun exploring Washington and Oregon. We also went to Vashon Island later in the month to celebrate my 31st birthday.

October 2022

In October we took our son to his first pumpkin patch and had so much fun enjoying fun enjoying fall with our 3 month old.

November 2022

In November I went back to work full time as a nurse practitioner. Most of November was a blur of the 4 month sleep regression and adjusting to working full time with a baby. We also celebrated our first Thanksgiving as a family of three. 

December 2022

December was so exciting for us. We got 7 inches of snow which is unheard of! We also enjoyed our first Christmas as a family of three and survived our first plane trip with a baby. 

January 2023

Most of January was spent finishing our half bathroom. We also went for some fun hikes and our baby turned 6 months old!! 

February 2023

In February we went to Seattle for "the friends experience" which was so fun and then also went hiking in Olympic National Park. We also spent most of the month prepping for our upcoming kitchen remodel. 

March 2023

In March my college friend Cody came and visited with us! We explored Seattle and Mt. Rainier National Park with him. It was so fun to catch up. 

What a wonderful year it has been! 



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