Homemade Pouch Recipes


Ok so if you know me in real life you will know that I don't belong anywhere near a kitchen. I am so grateful that my husband loves cooking and he is fully in charge of all the meals in our house. 
When our toddler was about 9-10 months old he started making home made pouches for him. Now I know what you are thinking- how hippy dippy granola is that?! Especially for things that you can just buy at the store. Here's why we started it and why we still continue to do it now that he is almost 2 years old

1. Cost- and the ability to batch make them. Typically my husband will designate a morning and make a huge batch of these and then we can freeze them. He will typically freeze them in gallon size freezer bags and then de-thaw as needed. This typically lasts us a few months at at time- so while it sounds super time consuming if you make a big enough batch it can last you a long time. Plus the going rate for store bought pouches is roughly $1 a pouch- if you make them yourself they are significantly cheaper per pouch- and you can buy ingredients in bulk. 

2. The ability to put them in different size pouches- we didn't understand the pro of this initially. In the beginning my little baby would only eat about 4-5 oz of a pouch in one sitting. Now that he is almost 2 he can easily put down a 7 oz pouch without batting an eye. We found that some of the pouches that you buy from the store weren't enough for him and we liked the ability to make larger sized pouches. You can buy lots of different size pouches on Amazon- I would recommend getting a variety of sizes. 

3. You control what ingredients are in them- Ultimately we always are trying to limit sugar and the amount of unnecessary ingredients that our toddler ingesting. The best way to know whats in something is if you are making it. 

4. Convenience- Yes I know our 2 year old is a bit old for pouches but they are just so convenient! We make it a habit to always have a pouch defrosted in our fridge. They are great for errand days or if we are out on a walk and he needs a snack. Or sometimes he's just super hungry and has eaten everything we had planned for lunch or dinner and we are just needing something else to give him. Plus I feel good that I'm giving him something healthy even if he thinks it's a treat- it's a good way to get leafy greens in your baby who maybe can't chew them quite yet. 

The chef himself and his little "helper"

The reason I am posting these is we've had so many people ask us for the recipes for the homemade pouches so I thought it would be easy to share them here so that everyone has access to them. 

Thank you to my husband who helped me with this blog and wrote up his personal recipes: 



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